Debugging ajax problems with firebug.

Now WordPress 2.5 RC1 is out it the wild for testing we are receiving some reports of strange problems with some of the ajax functionality in the admin pages so I have prepared a quick tutorial to help people collect the relevant debugging information to help us investigate the problems.

Here is how to prepare:

  1. Install Firefox (if you don’t have it already!)
  2. Install firebug. This is the web debugging tool of choice.
  3. Load up the relevant WordPress admin page that is not working for you.

Continue reading “Debugging ajax problems with firebug.”

Query Child Of $Page – update to make it work for anyone apart from me!

It seems that back in Oct 2006 when I updated my site design to use a simple plugin to automate the page listing all my plugins I managed to zip up a non-working version of the code.  Thanks to Stephen Rider my incompetence has been discover and I have now released an updated version of the plugin which will actually work for other people!  If you have attempted in the past to use my query child of $page plugin and failed please head over to the page and download a working copy.