unscheduled downtime

Sorry for the unscheduled downtime on the WordPress Version Check webservice earlier but I had to shut the power off quickly on this server after we discovered the central heating system was leaking quite close to some of the main circuitry. It’s all up and running again now and wpbot should also be chatting away back in #wordpress. Now we just need to buy the replacement part for the primary heating circuit so that we can have hot water again 🙁

my new favourite one liner

Well last weeks bug hunt went well by all accounts we managed to convince Ryan to make 30 commits and about 100 tickets were closed. During the process of testing all these patches I found a new favourite one-liner for working with trac and patches:

svn revert -R * && curl "trac-patch-raw-fileurl" | patch -p0

This enables you to download a patch direct from the trac web interface and apply it against your local svn checkout ensuring to revert any other local changes first. For example using this with the patch attached to ticket 3110:

svn revert -R * && curl "http://trac.wordpress.org/attachment/ticket/3110/3110.diff?format=raw" | patch -p0

The content thieves return

It seems that content theft is the current craze amongst wanabee adsense millionaires. So much so that they don’t even pay attention to the content they are stealing.
The latest culprit “WordPress Planet” @ weblog-pla.net/wp is even stealing the content of my last post about content theft! Compare the original and the stolen copy
As ever I have reported the culprit to google and expect there adsense account to die fairly soon.