Page Excerpt

Current Release: 0.02 (download) – Released on March 30th 2008

What it does

This plugin allows you to specify a specifc excerpt for WordPress pages

How it works

The plugin adds an extra box to the set an Optional Excerpt for a WordPress page similar to the box which is available for posts. The box is aded using the dbx_page_advanced hook for versions of WordPress earlier than 2.5 and using add_meta_box() for WordPress 2.5 and later.


This plugin has been tested with WordPress v2.0.4 is should work with all WordPress versions that support pages (v2.0 and later).


The latest version of the plugin may be downloaded here:

36 thoughts on “Page Excerpt

  1. Cheers! Just what I was looking for.
    Any chance of making the text box a little bigger? I tried changing the plug but couldn’t seem to get it to pass through to the textbox size.
    Thanks again.

  2. Pingback: » Page excerpt - Um plugin para você inserir resumo em páginas

  3. Angie Walton

    Hi, and thank you very much for the great plugin, it works beautifully. I am actually coming to you in reverse as I am getting errors trying to leave a comment over at Vito’s (creator of the iinclude page plugin) page, where this question really should be asked. What I am attempting to do is use his include page function, which allows for the use of the more tag to call only a teaser, to instead call the excerpt that your code allows me to create. My end goal is to show only the excerpt for the included page on my home page, but, after following the “continue” link have that teaser no longer visible. It should be fairly easy to have his call to the more tag, call to your excerpt instead, but, unfortunately I am not good enough with coding to know where to make the replacements. I’m not sure that you are even familiar with the iinclude page plugin, but, if you can offer up any suggestions on how to make his plugin work with yours, I would be very grateful. Thanks!

  4. @Angie: Can you send me more details of the code involved via my contact form and I’ll try and work out what you need in your template.

  5. Alfonso


    I’m definitely interested in the comptibility requested by Angie Walton. Improved Include Page does a great job of allowing a page’s content to be extracted and added to a template (including a widget, which I haven’t tried). It’s very versatile, as it allows for the inclusion of the entirety of a page’s content or an excerpt (determined by the !–more– tag).

    The functionality that I (and I think Angie) want is for that plugin to call your plugin’s custom page excerpt, so that the excerpt displayed on my index page isn’t simply the first paragraph of the page, but a descriptive text that better suits this context.

    Please let me know if there is more information I can supply. Thanks!

  6. Charles

    Tried your plugin on a site of mine and now I’m having problems with other plugins.

    Out of three sites only the one I used this pulgin on is having the problems.

    when I activate headspace2 plugin the lighter menus plugiin does not function on page/post write & edit panels. Also The tinymce excerpteditor no longer works, this started the instant I installed this plugin and now that it is deleted it works only if headspace2 is turned off.

    I posted on the headspace site. It’s clear that some conflict is created by your plugin with headspace2 and that conflict continues even after your plugin is deleted.

    Would love to get this fixed. . .

  7. @Charles: I am not sure how this plugin can cause a conflict as it only adds something on the “Write > Page” page and the extra html it adds is the same as that which is used on the “Write > Post” page.

    Can you be more specific about the problems you are seeing?

  8. Pingback: sillybean » New WordPress plugin: Post and Page Excerpt Widgets

  9. Charles

    The problem is with your plugin and headspace2. I’ve uninstalled your plugin but nothing has changed (described below); however, if I remove headspace2 plugin then everything works.

    Description. . .
    Once I installed your plugin the excerpt box for pages and post became a 1 inch high window – I can not resize it (Tinymce excerpt editor no longer functions, on pages or posts when your plugin was installed or after removal.) I’ve deleted your plugin but the problems remains.

    If I remove the headspace2 plugin then tinymce excerpt editor works fine again (only after your plugin is removed). Tinymce excerpt editor works fine with headspace2 on my other sites (that I didn’t use your plugin on thus the conflict isn’t really tinymce & headspace) and prior to installing your plugin thus the problem is a conflict between your plugin and headspace2.

    Now, I can’t remove headspace2 because there is a lot I’m using it for. My guess is that your plugin adds something to the excerpts or database that causes an issue with headspace2 which then causes and issue with tinymce excerpt editor once that issue is created. Hope that made sense.

    I’m not certain but, possible removal of the table fields that your plugin adds may solve the problem but I’m not sure what it added.

    Let me know what fields I may need to delete and I can try that.

    The problem with lighter menus. . .
    Solved this by using Ozh drop down menus. Works fine.

    Only problem now is with tinymce excerpt editor working while headspace2 is on.

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