Page Excerpt

Current Release: 0.02 (download) – Released on March 30th 2008

What it does

This plugin allows you to specify a specifc excerpt for WordPress pages

How it works

The plugin adds an extra box to the set an Optional Excerpt for a WordPress page similar to the box which is available for posts. The box is aded using the dbx_page_advanced hook for versions of WordPress earlier than 2.5 and using add_meta_box() for WordPress 2.5 and later.


This plugin has been tested with WordPress v2.0.4 is should work with all WordPress versions that support pages (v2.0 and later).


The latest version of the plugin may be downloaded here:

36 thoughts on “Page Excerpt

  1. Pingback: picoCMS: SEO Template for Wordpress

  2. My website – – is powered by wordpress 2.2.1 and this plugin works like a charm. I have posted a “thank you” message and a “do follow” link towards this page on my about pages. Many Thanks!

  3. Casey

    Hello! I am hoping that your optional excerpt plugin for pages will also let me tap into the excerpt data to return it in a title attribute… possible?

    How can I get the optional excerpt for a page by passing the ID of the page? Can I do that?

  4. Casey: Unfortunately the_excerpt() doesn’t take a post id as an argument but just provides the excerpt of the current post. You will need to setup the $post global first by calling get_post(). Something like this should do it (untested!):

    $post = get_post(<post_id>);

  5. Pingback: » Blog Archive » 6.0

  6. Lyanna

    Loved the plugin, but upon upgrading to 2.5, I still see the page excerpts on my site, but there is no “optional excerpt” field appended to the write/edit page within the wordpress dasboard to be found. Which means that for new pages I create, I cannot add excerpts, nor can I edit old ones. Help?


  7. Lyanna: Working on a fix for this. This was such a use and forget plugin for me that I had not tried to use it since switching to 2.5 on this site.

  8. Pingback: Peter Westwood » Updating plugins for WordPress 2.5

  9. Pingback: Page Excerpt Plugin | David Bisset: Web Designer, Coder, Wordpress Guru

  10. Hello,

    many thanks for the plugin. For me it seems to work fine. There is only one thing a don’t understand. Whe I open a new page and watch the textarea for the excerpt, there is a lonly inside of it? Do you have any idea why and how to fix this?


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