WordPress Plugins

The follow is a list of some of the WordPress plugins, and plugins for WordPress Plugins, that I have written. I spent a lot of time writing and supporting the plugin code available from this site. If you would like to show your gratitude there are donate and wishlist links below and on the plugin pages themselves as well. Click through on the links to read all about the plugins and download them:

29 thoughts on “WordPress Plugins

  1. Pingback: @tmbchr » WordPress plugins I’m currently running

  2. Pingback: Plugins I Like - Lala Land

  3. Pingback: top 14 recommended wordpress plag-ins | SVOX BLOG

  4. Pingback: Los 10 mejores plugins para wordpress.

  5. Roberta

    Got the plug in for the contact form in my page. Now now do I configure it so I get the contact information? Your instructions say to Configure the plugin on it’s settings screen. Settings … Contact Form. Where might that actually be?

    1. That would be in the admin pages of your WordPress install.

      On the left hand side expand the settings menu (the bottom one normally) and the select Contact Form from there.

      The url will be like http://your.domain/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp-contact-form/options-contactform.php

  6. Where is your WP Contact Form plugin notes? Am I blind, because I don’t see it. I’ve downloaded the plugin on my blog, have it activated and ready to rock and roll, however how do I add it to a post or page?

    Please advise.


  7. Thank you for creating the simple contact plug in, I was excited to find something that was just a basic form. I got the plug in installed and activated, but when I sent a test message to myself using the form, the email never showed up. I tried using a different address with the same result. Any ideas what might be causing this? Thanks in advance for your time. Best, Z

  8. Ben

    hi ,

    My quicktag isn’t appearing when I am creating a page. How do I get the form to appear on the page?


  9. Brian

    what code do I enter in order to activate the contact form? I don’t see a quick tag so I’m trying to do it manually like [wpcf]. thx

  10. Thanks – after pulling my hair out all day with contact form plugins that didn’t work I finally found yours. It works perfect and is nice and simple .

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