Yesterday at WordCamp UK 2008 I did a short presentation on getting involved with WordPress which I think went down quite well despite being the last presentation in an enjoyable two day event. I have uploaded the slides to slideshare so they are now available for people to refer to and comment on.
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Category: WordPress
All things wordpress
wordcamp uk day 2
day 2 of wordcamp uk has started with a slightly emptier room. You can follow the snarky backchat via twitter – #wordcampuk
my wordpress toolbox
A long time ago I wrote about the ways in which you can get involved in WordPress development using free available tools on windows in my post “Windows WordPress toolbox”. Since that post I have come up with a number of useful scripts and shortcuts that I use in my WordPress development.
Here are a number tools that I use most often, these are a set of bash functions which you can stick in your ~/.bashrc file on your linux machine or mac :
//Download a patch from a trac install and apply it to a svn checkout //e.g. wp-trac-patch wp-trac-patch() { svn revert -R . & curl "$1?format=raw" | patch -p0 }
//Search through a subversion checkout using grep (only search the .php and .js files) //e.g. wp-grep the_excerpt wp-grep() { find . \( -name "*.php" -print , -name "*.js" -print \) | xargs grep "$1" }
//Merge a change from trunk to a branch in a subversion checkout of the whole repository //e.g. wp-merge 1234 2.6 wp-merge() { svn merge -r $(($1-1)):$1 trunk branches/$2 }
//Output the svn:eol-style property of all the files in a repository svn-eol() { find . \( -name "*.php" -print , -name "*.js" -print \) | xargs svn propget svn:eolstyle }
I hope you find this useful