A while ago I released a simple plugin which allows you to manage the mime-types supported by the WordPress inline-uploader. This plugin worked well for most people baring a issue with php shorttags which made it break some sites. However, some people requested an update to the plugin to support adding a large list of mime-types from a file. I am proud to announce that finally after many months of sitting there 95% finished I am ready to release this plugin update.
Tag: mime-types
Managing mime-types for the inline-uploader
Some people want to be able to extend the list of mime-types supported by the WordPress inline-uploader. There are a number of different ways in which this could be achieved ranging from adding a option to allow any file type through to a plugin which allows easy configuration of an extra list of mime-types through the administration interface.
Seeing as a hook exists (upload_mimes) to filter the list of supported mime-types it is fairly easy to knock together a simple plugin which adds a set of mime-types.
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