I’ve been behind the curve for a while now. But no longer as I now have a wordpress.com blog! Not exactly sure what I’m going to write on it but it will definitely be WordPress related. Go read westi.wordpress.com now!
Day: November 3, 2005
Windows WordPress Toolbox
In preparation for the first WordPress Bug Hunt this weekend Mark Jaquith has written some excellent instructions on how he “does work” on WordPress on Linux / Mac OS X.
Skippy who is one of the hosts of the bug hunt was looking for a Windows version of Mark’s cheat sheet – So here or those of you using Windows the following instructions show you how to achieve the same things.
First of all you need to install an svn client, the svn client of choice on Windows has to be TortoiseSVN which is not only a subversion client but also includes patch application functionality and visual merge tools. Once you have installed TortoiseSVN you will now be set and ready. So here is the “Working on Windows” version on Mark’s instructions:
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