SK2 – Simple Digest plugin

Current Release: 1.20 (download) – Released on July 6th 2006

Functional Summary
A simple digest email is sent every n hours with a report on the recently caught spam (since last mail basically) much the same as you can see through the Spam Karma 2 plug-in options page. There are also options which enable you to set a threshold below which comments and to allow you to have the digest report sorted by karma rather than cronologically.

Known Issues

  • Link at top of email not always correct. – Fixed in v0.02 Alpha
  • Comment that causes digest report does not get a full report – Fixed in v0.21 Alpha
  • Inital timestamp may not get set correctly
  • Foreach error if no spams since last run – probably when a non spam comment occurs – Hopefully fixed in v0.05 Alpha
  • Link at top of email to spam section of SK2 pages doesn’t work – Fixed ready for next version in v0.951.

Features still to be implemented

  • Option to send digest every n spams rather than every n hours
  • Ability to view the part created current digest.
  • Add links after every comment in digest email to perform following actions:
    • Confirm moderated comment as spam – Added in v0.21 Alpha
    • Recover moderated comment as ok – Added in v0.21 Alpha
    • Delete spam comment from database.
  • Display last comment time next to the last run time in the admin ui – and possibly describe last run time better
  • change karma report format to be like this – Added in v1.0:
    • +0.5 – Link Counter: Comment has no URL in content (but one author URL)
    • Total karma on start of line
  • Optional html report
  • Advanced option to disable detailed karma report
  • Configurable Karma threshold below which comments do not appear in the digest. – Added in v1.0 – thanks to zedrdave for the code ๐Ÿ™‚

Example Digest Report

There are currently 0 comments in moderation
There have been 2 in the last 1 hours.

Spam summary report:

Report on comment number 1 (id=1703)
Comment Author: Maurice
Comment Type: Comment
Comment Content:
meuwfgae erdfcv

Spam Karma 2 Report:
   -2.50 - Encrypted Payload: Encrypted payload valid: IP not matching.
   -3.32 - Post Age and Activity: Entry posted 2 months, 1 week ago. 0 comments in the past 15 days. Current Karma: -2.5.
   -9.18 - web_UI: Manually confirmed moderations.
  -15.00 - Overall Karma
Rescue comment from spam: url

Bug reports welcome (Please comment below!)

28 thoughts on “SK2 – Simple Digest plugin

  1. Pingback: Peter Westwood » SK2 - Simple Digest plugin - Update

  2. Pingback: Peter Westwood » SK2 - Simple Digest plugin - Minor Update

  3. I have been using SK2 for some time now and I am very impressed with it so far but I have never been able to get you plugin to actually email me a digest. Is there anything else that I need to do on my site to get it to work beyond clicking on enable and clicking save? Thanks in advance/ ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Brett: Nope that’s all you should need to do.

    Note that you will only be sent an email if all of the following are true:

    Time since last digest email is great than the number of hours configured – This can be checked in the admin ui where it will say something like: Last run was 5 days, 6 hours ago.
    There have been some spam comments to caught by Spam Karma – no spam no digest ๐Ÿ˜‰

    What does it say in your admin ui for the last run time? Do you receive the other emails that WordPress generates (For example to let you know of a new comment. If you have that feature enabled).

  5. It says it was last sent over a month ago but I never recieved a message from the plugin. I recieve the other emails from my WP install just fine so I am not sure why I would not get anything from the plugin itself.

  6. Pingback: Peter Westwood » SK2 - Simple Digest plugin - Another Minor Update

  7. Brett: Firstly can you check through the recent SK2 log messages for either of the following messages “Comment would have caused digest but no new spam received since last digest.” or “Last run time in the future – resetting to now”.

    Secondly, you can try a manual run of the digest plugin to generate a digest email for all the spam since it last run as follows: Goto Manage ร‚ยป Spam Karma 2 in the WordPress admin pages; Switch to the Recent Spam Harvest page; Tick the checkbox next to the last spam comment; In the dropdown under the filter heading select Simple Digest; Click on the Run selected entries button. This should generate a digest email (or you may get some php error messages which could be why you are not getting any digest emails).

  8. Thank you for a very convenient addition to Spam Karma!

    Let me suggest a tiny improvement that I think people will like.

    Change line 123 from:
    $mail_content .= “Comment Content: \r\n”


    $mail_content .= “Comment Content:\r\n—————– \r\n”

    This way, it’ll be easy to find the text of a potential comment spam in your digest.


  9. Pingback: Peter Westwood » SK2 - Simple Digest plugin - Version 1.0 Released

  10. I just recently installed SK2, but I’ve been noticing that the last 5 times or so I receive my digest email, I’m getting multiple copies. It started out with just one or two, but it seems to be getting worse – yesterday it was at least 8 and today it was 16 copies of the same digest sent at the same time. Any idea what’s going on? Have I messed up some settings or is there some other problem?

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