SK2 – Simple Digest plugin

Current Release: 1.20 (download) – Released on July 6th 2006

Functional Summary
A simple digest email is sent every n hours with a report on the recently caught spam (since last mail basically) much the same as you can see through the Spam Karma 2 plug-in options page. There are also options which enable you to set a threshold below which comments and to allow you to have the digest report sorted by karma rather than cronologically.

Known Issues

  • Link at top of email not always correct. – Fixed in v0.02 Alpha
  • Comment that causes digest report does not get a full report – Fixed in v0.21 Alpha
  • Inital timestamp may not get set correctly
  • Foreach error if no spams since last run – probably when a non spam comment occurs – Hopefully fixed in v0.05 Alpha
  • Link at top of email to spam section of SK2 pages doesn’t work – Fixed ready for next version in v0.951.

Features still to be implemented

  • Option to send digest every n spams rather than every n hours
  • Ability to view the part created current digest.
  • Add links after every comment in digest email to perform following actions:
    • Confirm moderated comment as spam – Added in v0.21 Alpha
    • Recover moderated comment as ok – Added in v0.21 Alpha
    • Delete spam comment from database.
  • Display last comment time next to the last run time in the admin ui – and possibly describe last run time better
  • change karma report format to be like this – Added in v1.0:
    • +0.5 – Link Counter: Comment has no URL in content (but one author URL)
    • Total karma on start of line
  • Optional html report
  • Advanced option to disable detailed karma report
  • Configurable Karma threshold below which comments do not appear in the digest. – Added in v1.0 – thanks to zedrdave for the code 🙂

Example Digest Report

There are currently 0 comments in moderation
There have been 2 in the last 1 hours.

Spam summary report:

Report on comment number 1 (id=1703)
Comment Author: Maurice
Comment Type: Comment
Comment Content:
meuwfgae erdfcv

Spam Karma 2 Report:
   -2.50 - Encrypted Payload: Encrypted payload valid: IP not matching.
   -3.32 - Post Age and Activity: Entry posted 2 months, 1 week ago. 0 comments in the past 15 days. Current Karma: -2.5.
   -9.18 - web_UI: Manually confirmed moderations.
  -15.00 - Overall Karma
Rescue comment from spam: url

Bug reports welcome (Please comment below!)

28 thoughts on “SK2 – Simple Digest plugin

  1. Carson: The only reason I can think for this is the way in which the digest is triggered.

    The digest email is triggered when a comment is received and the last digest was long enough ago – however if multiple comments arrive at this time then you can get multiple digest emails as the last digest timestamp is not updated until the end of the digest generation process.

    Are you being hit by a lot of spam at the same time?

  2. blog have been using SK2 for some time now and I am very impressed with it so far but I just want to know how to delete the spam comments directly when they sent.Is there anything else that I need to do on my setting? Thanks in advance/

  3. Seemon SIM: SK2 won’t delete the spam comment straight away. This is to allow you the chance to review them before they are destroyed in case any real comments end up in the spam section. It also uses the spam corpus stored in your database as part of the checking it does on new comments so you don’t want to delete them straight away. You can however set it to delete spam older than a certain number of days so your database doesn’t fill up.

    Hope this helps.

  4. I am having the same issue as CARSON; the multiple versions of the digest email being sent. And the number of copies is going up and up..

  5. Jamie are you getting a high volume of spam at the moment with multiple comment spam attempts hitting your blog at the same time?

    If this is becoming a large problem I can probably change the logic around recording the last run time to improve the behaviour.

    The real crux of the problem is there maybe many comments being submitted at the same time and each of them could cause a digest email to be generated if the time is correct and the first one has not completed and marked the digest as generated. I have some other small updatess in testing and will add an update for this problem and release and updated version soon.

  6. yes that is correct; there is a high volume of spam hitting at the same time. So that is probably triggering it.

    By the way, After I sent that last comment I realised that I hadn’t taken the time to thank you for this super plugin. The copies of the digest email are certainly not as bothersome as the spam would be, and judging fron the SPAM HARVEST I would have been hit with a ton by now.
    So, THANK YOU!

  7. Pingback: Peter Westwood » SK2 - Simple Digest plugin - Version 1.20 Released

  8. Peter, thanks for writing Simple Digest — it makes the best anti-spam solution even better. I thought I should point out a little buglet though…

    I noticed that if SK2 had caught exactly one spam during the report period, then the report would say, “There has been one comment spam caught since the last digest report 1 ago” instead of “…5 days ago”. The bug is in the line after the “//### l10n Add” comment. You could fix it something like this:

    $mail_content .= __ngettext("There has been one comment spam caught ", "There have been " . $new_spams . " comment spams caught ", $new_spams, 'sk2');
    $mail_content .= "since the last digest report " . sk2_time_since($last_run) ." ago.\r\n";

    Thanks again for your work on this plugin.

  9. Hi, I have a feature request 🙂

    In my case, most spam comments are nicely catched and are under the threshold. So I get a daily mail, saying I have spam, but the mail is empty because they are all under the threshold. Wouldn’t it be handy to have an option to disable the mail sending if they are all under the threshold?

    The code change is minor, so I did it on my install, but I think it would be nice to have an option for it in a future version.. What do you think? 🙂

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