WordPress v2.0.2 has been released with a number of security updates so it is well worth upgrading.
To simplfy the upgrade process I decided to try generating a diff file between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 and using that to patch my sites rather than uploading a full set of new files.
Here is the process I took on my local machine to generate the diif file:
- Exported both 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 from svn using the following commands:
To get 2.0.2 - svn --force export http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/branches/2.0
To get 2.0.1 - svn --force export http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/tags/2.0.1
- Generated a patch file using diff:
diff -U3 -r 2.0.1 2.0 > 2.0.1.to.2.0.2.patch
I then uploaded the patch file to my server and placed it in my home directory and applied the patch as follows:
- Backed up my WordPress database using the wp-db-backup plugin
- Made a copy of my WordPress install files as a backup
- Then to apply the patch you change into the root folder of your WordPress blog and enter the following patch command:
patch -p1 < ~/2.0.1.to.2.0.2.patch
And it was done! – There are no database changes between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 and so upgrade.php does not need to be run as far as I know.
To save you some time if you would like to use this method of upgrade you can download the patch file I generated here: 2.0.1.to.2.0.2.patch.
You use this file with out any guarantee that it will work – Remember to backup first!
Hi Peter, was this written specifically for me, as I now you know I will ask you…!!!!
Anyway thanks for that
Neat. From what I can tell rev 3637 of http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/branches/2.0 is what will be tagged as 2.0.2.
Also, I’ve read in places that some WordPress users use a working copy of the latest WordPress’s tag or branch. I haven’t found anyone that really had a problem with that. Thoughts?
Dickie: It wasn’t written specifically for you but with you in mind. I had two sites to update quickly and thought that this might be the quickest way.
Deoren: Yes rev 3637 should get Tagged as 2.0.2 Ryan will probably do that soon he usually does it soon after release. As for running straight off an svn checkout there should be no problems – I have a number of test installs which get updated automatically running the various trunk and branch builds and they work reliably 🙂
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