What it does
The aim of the plugin is to help people keep up to date with new wordpress version releases. (For more info see the original plugin announcement.)
How it works
The plugin takes a simple approach to get the users attention. Once activated it checks an XML-RPC webservice for update news displaying a message at the top of every page in the wordpress admin user-interface. It will check for an update to the message every 15 mins with an additional check being kicked off if the installed wordpress version changes so as to give instant feedback on upgrades.
Possible Changes/Known Issues
The following changes have been suggested for implementationbefore the plugin hits version 1.0:
When you’re using the latest version, just show a dim grey “up-to-date” line.- Version 0.80 does this as standard.
Template Tag.- Optional email sent when new message detected to help track the many installs supported by some people for friends
- Version 0.90 has this functionality
- Hello Dolly incompatible – As this plugin uses the same piece of screen real estate as Hello Dolly you can’t run both at the same time.
- …. your suggestion here ….
The following bugs have been identified:
Hard to see the message when using the Tiger Admin UI Plugin.- In Version 0.80 Tiger Admin UI plugin is now detected and alternative css is delivered for the Tiger Admin.
- In Version 0.90 MarkJ’s improved css is delivered for the Tiger Admin.
Plugin contacts the service every 15mins when the blog is viewed rather than every 15mins when the admin pages are viewed.- Fixed in version 0.80 does this as standard.
XML-RPC Error codes are not reported properly- Fixed in version 0.91
The latest version of the plugin may be downloaded here: pjw_wp_version_monitor.1.00.zip
To see examples of the plugin in use see the original plugin announcement.
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WordPress recently upgraded to 2.2.1. But after upgrading, I got a “Version check failed! – Unknown WordPress version.” message at the upper right of my dashboard.
You getting the same thing on your blog? Just thought I’d comment in case you or others might get the same thing, thanks.
Dave: That message should now be gone. I needed to update the webservice that provides the message.
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This rocks. You rock. Thank you for sharing and helping people out. I send you a virtual beer
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I instal your plugin and this is ok. I have a Worpress 2.2.3 for my blog and to lead great.