WordPress 2.0.4 released (Security update)

WordPress v2.0.4 has been released with a number of security updates so it is well worth upgrading.

To simplfy the upgrade process I decided again to try generating a diff file between 2.0.3 and 2.0.4 and using that to patch my sites rather than uploading a full set of new files. The process for generating the diff file is actually simpler than the one I used last time!

Here is the process I took on my local machine to generate the diif file:

  1. Generated the patch file with svn diff using the following command (all on one line):

    svn diff http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/tags/2.0.3 http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/tags/2.0.4 > ~/2.0.3-to-2.0.4.patch

I then uploaded the patch file to my server and placed it in my home directory and applied the patch as follows:
Continue reading “WordPress 2.0.4 released (Security update)”

SK2 – Simple Digest plugin – Version 1.20 Released

I am pleased to announce another important update to my Spam Karma 2 Simple Digest plugin – the latest version has some great new features developed on the back of the recent heavy spam runs that I am sure many of you have been suffering.

The major updates in this release are as follows:

  1. Ability to order the digest email by karma rather than date and time – this is to help make the possible ham comments that slip into the spam easier to spot as they would now be near the top of the email rather than interspersed (When you start getting 100K+ digests this really helps!)
  2. The last digest timestamp is now updated earlier to help ensure that those of you hit hard by concurrent spam runs don’t get multiple digest emails.
  3. The email now contains some special header information which makes it really simple to filter into a special folder in your INBOX if you want.

Continue reading “SK2 – Simple Digest plugin – Version 1.20 Released”

WordPress Cache Inspect v0.50

I am please to announce a new WordPress plugin which allows you to peek under-the-hood at the new cache in WordPress v2.0 (and v2.0.1) and to see what it is doing. A semi-transparent window is displayed for the admin user at the top right hand corner of your blog. It also allows the admin user to easily clear the cache from within the WordPress adminitration interface.

Preview of pjw-wp-cache-inspect output

Cold Cache Hits
This is the number of cached items that were loaded from disk.
Warm Cache Hits
This is the number of cached items accessed that were already in memory
Cache Misses
This is the number of items that had to be fetched from the db as they were not in the cache.
Loaded data
This lists the type and amount of data loaded into memory from that currently stored within the cache..

Head on over to the wp-cache-inspect page for more info and to download.